We will make a poster with a title and beneath it are 2 pictures, one with 2 friends hugging and the other with 2 boys fighting. Under the picture we will write: Which do you think is better? Then we will write five commandments for not bullying.

for the brochure, we will have a title of bullying beware of it. on the first page there will be a little paragraph about bullying. on the 2nd page there will be about about the types of bullying and the third page will have aboyt what to do if you are bullied and what to do if you see someone being bullied. on the page before the last will be a bullying poem. on the last page will be full of pictures. on the 3 first pages will be like a banner saying no bullying and 3 pics on top of it.
Love The Picturess ! <3
Ohh .. and the informationnn :P
Excellent Job Ilem
well done
we hate the preeesentation :@
ha very good presentation nice but it was to short
malat shai5oo
i like the presentation
Just kidding but we loved the pic with the guy smilling!!! no we really liked it by herra and shakshook
Good presentation, would of been better if u made it longer though.
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